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Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Film Clips Audience Feedback


  1. Some interesting early footage. Varied use of location. Some technical issues with quality in the presentation - hopefully that was just a glitch on the day.
    Like the scene waking up in wonderland - very nicely paced with really good subtle camera work, but you need to be careful not make scenes too long - this is a trailer!

  2. These three individual clips shown here show how the film is progressing and how the story line is also developing with this. The camera work shown within them is well done due to the steadiness of camera. The uniqueness of the story is also interesting with the use of varied locations.

  3. Very good early footage, you have used different locations which shows the development of your trailer. The camera work is very good, however some of the clips are a little too long as it is meant to be a short trailer.
